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      Hello, welcome to the Jiangsu Ideal Valve Co., Ltd. official website!
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      To see clearly the trend of technological innovation in pump industry will enable enterprises to occupy a place in the market.

      In recent years, the high-tech field represented by environmental protection and the Internet has developed rapidly, and has also brought about the development of other industries such as valves and pumps.

      In recent years, the high-tech field represented by environmental protection and the Internet has developed rapidly, and has also brought about the development of other industries such as valves and pumps. These industries are constantly changing the mode of production, increasing innovation, and gradually taking a place in the market.

      For this reason, we summarize the recent development trend of pump technology innovation mainly in the following aspects:

      The organic combination of 1. pump design level promotion and manufacturing technology optimization

      In the information age, the design personnel of the pump have already used the computer technology to develop the product design (such as the use of CAD), which greatly improved the speed of the design and shortened the cycle of the product design. And in the manufacturing of manufacturing, the manufacturing technology represented by numerical control technology CAM has penetrated into the production of pumps. However, from the current domestic situation, CNC technology CAM is mainly used in the production of bulk products. For the production of single or small batches, CAM technology has not been widely implemented in the pump industry. The production of single and small batches is still dominated by traditional production equipment.

      As market demand is as short as possible for the manufacturer, especially for special products (for the product that users require production) the supply cycle is shortened, it is necessary for the production enterprises of the pump to accelerate the use of CAM technology, even the computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS), the flexible manufacturing (FMC and FMS), to the mold and parts from the design to the manufacturing of the parts. The work and other links are handled in a coordinated way to ensure that one but the design is completed and the processing of the parts of the product tends to be completed in the same period to ensure that the production cycle of the product is shortened.

      At the same time, in addition to computer graphics, the strength analysis, reliability prediction and three-dimensional design of the product will be realized on the computer. The technology problems, local structural problems and assembly problems, which need to be found and solved in production, are put forward before production, and the products are shortened. Trial period.


      The improvement of the intrinsic characteristics of the 2. pump and the pursuit of external characteristics

      The intrinsic characteristic of the so-called pump refers to the inherent characteristics of the product, including the product performance, the quality of the parts, the assembly quality of the whole machine, the appearance quality, etc., or the quality of the product for short. At this point, many pump manufacturers are concerned about the improvement and improvement. In fact, we can find that many products often fail to reach the effect of factory inspection, such as overloading, noise increasing, use less than demand or reduced life, and so on. We call it external characteristic or system characteristic of pump.

      When a technician designs a product, it often takes a lot of thought to improve the one percent efficiency of a product; and if the pump runs away from the high efficiency point of the design, the efficiency of the actual operation is far less than one percent. Now, pump manufacturers at the same time supporting the users including frequency conversion control equipment and complete sets of equipment, in fact, has been involved in the pursuit of the external characteristics of the pump. On this basis, paying attention to the centralized control system of pump and improving the efficiency of the whole pump and pump station are on the top of the pursuit of the external characteristics of pumps.

      From a sales point of view, selling the product is the intrinsic characteristics of the pump, and the external characteristic of the pump is that the manufacturer not only sells the product, but also sells the pump station (a complete set of projects).

      From the point of view of use, a good product must be a product suitable for running environment, rather than a product that can be detected by factory inspection.

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